Ready to launch a private practice and quantum leap your income to $100k and beyond?

Being a therapist doesn’t have to mean feeling overworked, underpaid, and undervalued.

You can attract aligned clients who are willing to pay expansive rates — and discover the kind of financial and time freedom that will rewrite your legacy for generations to come.

Hey, I’m Kristie Tse

I’m a business coach who helps licensed therapists of color activate and actualize their “secret sauce” so they can earn $100k+ without being on insurance panels in private practice. I’m also a NYC-based licensed therapist who helps marginalized folx recognize and trust that they are sovereign humans.

As a first-generation Asian American woman with working-class roots, my journey to becoming a therapist wasn’t an easy one: I didn’t have generational wealth or the “right” connections to fall back on, and I struggled to support myself through college, grad school, and post-graduation.

After graduation, I worked 2 jobs while barely pulling in $60k/year with no health insurance and no 401k. The patriarchal and racist gatekeeping that’s present in society, specifically in the mental health field, was apparent and striking. It wasn’t until I uncovered my secret sauce and fully believed in my sovereignty that I leaped into private practice. Before I knew it, my income quadrupled — and more importantly, I had created the kind of time freedom and financial security for myself that I’d only dreamed about.

Now, I’m on a mission to help other therapists of color release outdated patterns and fully embody their secret sauce. I believe together, we have the power to narrow the gender & racial wealth gap and dismantle the systems that keep us stuck.

As a therapist of color, you’re faced with a multitude of hidden barriers that keep you stuck — some of which you might not even realize are there. Our cultural upbringings and the society we live in dramatically impact the way we feel about ourselves and what we do:

PATRIARCHY devalues care work
and tells us that being in a woman-dominated profession means a lifetime of self-sacrifice and self-abandonment

INDUSTRIALISM glorifies burnout
and tells us that being a breadwinner means that we have to struggle to succeed, grind without grace, and hustle out of alignment

COLONIALISM promotes hierarchal superiority
and tells us that being in corporate America means we must conform to white, Eurocentric ideas of “professionalism” to climb the ladder

SYSTEMIC RACISM encourages self-oppression
and tells us that being a person of color means we must be “affordable” (aka underpaid) in order to be “accessible” to our communities

That’s why I’m on a mission to help therapists of color liberate themselves from these old patterns and limiting mindsets — so they can create a private practice that gives them the income, time freedom, and sense of safety that the current systems in place deny them.



how your cultural identity has impacted what you believe is possible for you as a therapist
(and as a person)


your unique secret sauce that clients are willing to pay expansive rates for
(no insurance required)


your time and create financial freedom by quantum leaping from overworked & underpaid to making $100k
(and beyond)